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Type of exerciseNon renseigné

Activated musclesAbs, glutes, hamstrings


Activated muscles

In standing position, we are always worn by the lower limbs, that is why it is essential to work the legs sessions.

The abductors are responsible for the lateral movement of the leg, that means the abduction of the hip. This exercise mainly isolates the abductors and involves the abdominals, glutes and hamstrings in a secondary way.

Very useful for the squat and the deadlift, reinforced abductors will help you to gain stability.

Like all bodybuilding exercises, it is important to optimize your diet plan.

To strengthen the abductor, here are the instructions to follow

  • 1. Sit on the machine with the back in contact with the seat and in a natural way. Place your feet between the cushions provided.
  • 2. While exhaling, spread your legs to keep the cushions away from each other.
  • 3. While inhaling, slowly bring the cushions back and return to the starting position.
  • 4. Continue your series by repeating the movement.

Read our tips, techniques and advice for abductor

  • 1. Control both the push phase and the return phase. Take the same time for both parties.
  • 2. Voluntarily contract the glutes for better performances and better results (aesthetically, in particular).
  • 3. Keep your feet flat.

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