Weight loss diet program
Our slimming advice to succeed in following your food program and achieve your sports and diet goals.
Want to take care of your figure but can't seem to balance your meals to lose weight? Relying on a nutritional program then appears to be the best solution to effectively measure your calorie intake and not ruin your efforts with an overloaded plate after an intensive workout. Featness offers you in its premium version a personalized food program that gives free rein to the development of your balanced menus according to your weight, your age, your caloric needs but above all your goal. Dry, gain muscle mass or maintain body mass, the choice is yours. Do you rather want to lose weight while toning your figure with fitness exercises? Then follow our few slimming tips and your extra pounds will be just a thing of the past!
Misconceptions about weight loss
Eating habits die hard, but there are no quick fixes to weight loss.
Tip for losing weight: focus on a good balanced diet, this is the key to the success of your own transformation ... it's up to you!
Losing weight fast does not mean stopping eating or even worse, skipping meals.
Nothing worse than being hungry while restricting yourself, it is the sure risk of giving in to a nighttime snack that will make you feel guilty. Some are in favor of fasting or even intermittent fasting, which is beneficial for the immune system. At Featness, we advise rather not to deprive yourself but rather to strictly follow a personalized nutritional program. Day after day, depending on your activity indicator and your body mass index, you will lose weight naturally.
“Fat is the enemy of the diet…” False! ?
On the contrary, lipids play a key role in your ’balanced diet, hence the benefit of managing the average consumption of your macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) in the medium term thanks to our personalized food program. Be careful, you have to be careful not to overeat bad fats like frying oils and favor omega 3 oils like cod liver oil more.
Diet and diet plan: how does weight loss work?
Do you want to lose weight permanently? It is then necessary to set a goal of daily calorie intake. If you eat more calories than you consume daily, you are bound to gain weight. Conversely, if you burn more calories per day than you consume, then you will lose weight.
To know the calorie intake necessary for weight loss depending on your age and gender, you can overall estimate that between the ages of 20 and 60, an active woman needs around 1,700 to 2,100 calories per day. While a man should, on average, consume between 2.2 to 2.5 kcal per day. To hope to lose weight, you will need to reduce calorie consumption by 10 to 20% by participating in a physical activity or by following a diet program. Or both with Featness! ;)
How do you calculate your daily calorie needs?
To know your basal metabolism, there is a simple formula to apply:
For Male = [13.75 x Weight (kg)] + [500.33 x Height (m)] - (6.75 x Age) + 66.47
For Female = [9.56 x Weight (kg)] + [184.96 x Height (m)] - (4.67 x Age) + 655.1
You now know your basal metabolism, there is still a calculation step. Multiply your result by the coefficient of physical activity. This corresponds to your daily energy needs and is related to your quality of life.
Little active: x 1.1 (office work and low physical activity)
Slightly active: x 1.24 (sedentary work and moderate physical training)
Very active: x 1.4 (active work and moderate training)
Extremely active: x 1.62 (active work and intensive physical training)
The great thing about our app is that you don't even have to do all of these calculations! Featness takes care of everything, you just have to enter your profile and we take care of calculating your energy expenditure needs according to the dietary goals of your weight loss program.
Food and weight loss program: our 7 slimming tips
Eating healthy requires a demanding quality of life, it is always good to follow our well-advised advice to rigorously follow your personalized nutritional program, reach your ideal weight and stabilize it. Let's go for our tips that we share with you exclusively. ?
Tip # 1: Fruits and vegetables are good for your health ... and your moral
We are sure to tell you over and over again on TV: eating 5 fruits and vegetables every day is good for your health! Did you know that fruits and vegetables are foods made up of so many vitamins that give you pep, like vitamin C? This is present in most fruits and vegetables but is mainly concentrated in red fruits (blackcurrant, currants), guava and citrus fruits. Not to mention the simple carbohydrates that make up fresh and dried fruits, one of the categories that make up carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables are part of your daily life if you want to lose weight and adopt a balanced diet. The icing on the cake (not too caloric), vitamin C stimulates your thyroid gland and gives you happiness!
Tip # 2: Focus on Low Energy Density Foods
Low energy density foods like fruits and vegetables, grain products, whole grains, legumes (like lentils or chickpeas), white fish and turkey meat are high in fiber, water and micronutrients ( trace elements, minerals, vitamins essential for the functioning of your metabolism). These foods will keep you full with very few calories.
Tip # 3: Drink water regularly, especially before meals
Consuming regular water is essential, especially if you practice sports on a regular basis alongside your diet plan. Some amazing numbers: Drinking water boosts your metabolism by 24-30% over a period of about 1 hour, and allows your body to burn calories quickly. Weight loss is thus facilitated by drinking water regularly (especially not sodas of course!). In addition, according to a study carried out in 2009 and posted on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), drinking half a liter of water half an hour before your meal prompts you to consume less calories and help you lose 44% more weight.
Tip # 4: have a light meal in the evening before going to sleep
At night, although your brain is cleaning up and consuming energy, you generally remain inactive. We strongly recommend that you eat a light meal in the evening. Why not take back your grandmother's secret cabbage soup recipe? A yogurt for probiotics is also always good for your digestion before you go to bed.
Tip n ° 5: homemade meals, nothing better to keep the figure
Nothing worse than industrial and ultra-processed products, harmful to your health and which often contain hidden sugars (are we talking about grated carrots in super sweet tubs or high calorie ready meals?). In short, you got it, nothing better than to simmer your meals by following the advice of your Featness personalized food program.
Tip 6: a positive attitude, the basis for following your diet plan
Enjoy yourself while eating otherwise you will not reach your goals! Even if you will experience moments of doubt in your food rebalancing, stay positive and do not let go!
Tip # 7: don't set yourself an ideal weight, but rather a wellness goal.
Aim for a wellness goal and not a number on the scale. This number will become an obsession and will be a source of additional stress that could make you regain the lost pounds. Being well in your body sometimes requires support, what better than Featness to support you step-by-step with a personalized diet plan and a diet calculator!
Do you have other dietary goals besides weight loss? No problem Featness adapts to your desires (weight gain coupled with muscle training or weight maintenance)! Don't hesitate and download Featness from Google Play and the App Store!
Publié le 16/08/2021