How to stay motivated when you exercise during winter?
Tips by Featness to stay motivated during winter to do sports.
Cold winter months can be tough, especially if you're trying to stay in shape. It can then be difficult to motivate yourself to exercise when the weather is gloomy and days are short. But don’t be scared! Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay motivated and in shape during winter.
Set achievable goals
When it comes to fitness, setting achievable goals is key to staying motivated. Start small by setting weekly or monthly goals that are achievable. If you have an aspirational goal that takes more than a month to achieve, break it down into steps so you can more easily track your progress along the way. It will give you a sense of accomplishment as you get closer to your long-term goal.
Change your routine to stay in shape this winter
Doing the same workout session every day can quickly get boring, especially in the winter when it's hard enough to get out of bed! Shake up your exercise routine by adding new exercises or even changing the type of exercise you do each day! For example, if you usually go outside for a run, try doing a HIIT workout at home on days when the weather’s bad instead. You'll keep your body alert and you'll never get tired of exercising again, even during winter!
Get creative with your workouts
Winter is the perfect time to get creative with your workouts. If you're stuck indoors because of the bad weather, try exercising along a fitness video or finding new exercises online. You can even use everyday items like tin cans or books as weights! Or, another tip is to improvise your living room as a gym. You'll see, a simple change of scenery will boost you to keep up with your sporting goals this winter!
Find a training partner to stay motivated this winter
Having someone to train with can be a great source of motivation. Invite your friends, family or colleagues to join you for a class or to meet you at the gym. If you work out together, then it will be easier for you to stay on track. You won't want to be late or miss a session if someone is expecting you!
Keep a positive attitude
Winter can be long and gloomy, so try to keep your spirits up by focusing on the positive aspects of exercising. Remember why you're following a training programme and that it will pay off in the end. Staying motivated during winter is possible with a little dedication and some creative ideas! So don't let the cold get you down and keep these tips in mind to stay fit and healthy this season!
Stay hydrated and fill up on energy thanks to a balanced diet
Staying hydrated is essential for any workout session, but in cold weather, it's even more important. Make sure you drink enough water before, during, and after exercising, for your body to function optimally.
Plus, stock up on nutritious foods throughout the day to give you energy before a training session. Eating healthy snacks like nuts or fruit can give you the energy boost you need to stay motivated this winter. Be careful though, your diet differs depending on whether you are aiming for mass gain or weight loss.
Finally, don't forget to take rest or active recovery days when necessary, so that your body has time to recover after an intense training session. This will help you be less tired and prevent a burnout, so that you can stay motivated all winter long!
Featness, your sports coaching app that helps you stay motivated this winter
A fitness app, like Featness, helps users stay motivated through winter months and beyond.
By connecting with a larger community of individuals who share the same goals and aspirations, you find support and encouragement to stay on track throughout the year.
With features like workout sessions tracking, detailed progress reports, daily reminders and personalised advice tailored to each user's needs, Featness offers an easy way to stay motivated when the temperature drops.
Additionally, the app gives you access to hundreds of pre-made workout videos that can be adapted as per needed so users don't get bored or stuck. Its social aspect allows members of the Featness community to connect with each other for motivation and peer-to-peer guidance between people who understand each other’s needs and challenges.
With the help of Featness - whether it be for setting achievable goals or finding creative ways to train - you can stay motivated throughout the winter season and beyond.
Staying motivated during winter can be difficult but it’s not impossible! By following these tips and using an online sports coaching application like Featness, you will be sure to succeed in achieving your sports goals this winter!
So don't let the cold weather keep you from being successful and try Featness out now, there’s 7 days free! ;)
Publié le 20/02/2023